Одним дарят розы или мимозы , другим тюльпаны , а у нас для вас , для девушек, дам и бабушек, совсем иные подарки.
Михаил Гвоздев– известный в литературных кругах поэт и прозаик города Петропавловска ( Северо-Казахстанская область), решил поздравить прекрасную половину человечества своими литературными произведениями.
Дорогие дамы, красавицы и принцессы. Сегодня для вас яркий и радостный день! Желаю вам вдохновения, творческих успехов, здоровья, радости, искренних улыбок и много любви! Пусть каждый день будет наполнен счастьем и достижениями, а весна за окном будет символом новых начинаний и свежести!
*Мы вместе*
Мы вместе! И пусть подождут года.
Мы вместе! Сердечко так часто бьется.
Мы вместе! Надолго, нет – навсегда.
Как будто лучи огромного солнца.
Ты рядом. Мне хочется снова жить.
Ты рядом. Мы вместе свернем и горы.
Ты рядом. Откуда берется прыть
Лететь к тебе, словно вонзили шпоры!
Я знаю, что это и есть любовь.
Я знаю: ты будешь всегда прекрасна.
Я знаю, что точно на все готов.
Я верю: на это и ты согласна.
Здравствуй, девочка-весна!
Талый снег спешит ручьями.
В небе строгая луна
Гасит звездочки ночами,
Чтоб быстрей пришел рассвет,
Глаз твоих коснулся ярко.
У любви запретов нет,
Для нее лучей не жалко.
В небе ясном чистота,
Все без фальши и без тени.
Мир спасает красота!
В том не может быть сомнений.
Только девочка-весна
Утро зажигает где-то.
Мне, уставшему от сна,
Вновь подарит много света
Гуляет ветер по домам,
А между ними вьюга.
Тебя теперь я не отдам –
Нашли во тьме друг друга.
И снег рисует на стекле
Следы арабской вязи,
И дремлет роза на столе
В плену хрустальной вазы.
Коварно ворвалась зима
Без спроса и без лести,
Но нас пугается она,
Нам очень жарко вместе.
Скользишь босая по росе,
Мила, прекрасна, непорочна.
Ты лучше всех, я знаю точно,
И пусть простят другие все.
Тебя спустили небеса.
Как эти губы манят сочно,
Ты лучше всех, я знаю точно.
Мечтой ослеплены глаза,
Готов дышать тобой всегда,
Шептать на ушко денно, нощно –
Ты лучше всех, я знаю точно,
Как в небе яркая звезда.
Молюсь тебе, твоей красе.
Лечу на зов, немедля, срочно.
Ты лучше всех, я знаю точно,
И пусть завидуют мне все!
*Вспомни обо мне…*
Вспомни этой ночью обо мне,
Чтобы звезды в небе засияли,
В тихой, темной, беззаботной дали,
Улыбнувшись радостно луне.
Вспомни этим утром обо мне,
Чтобы солнцу не было печали,
Чтобы чувства звонко прокричали
То, о чем так грезили во сне.
Вспомни днем морозным обо мне,
Чтобы успокоить злую вьюгу,
Грозных гор заснеженных подругу,
С ветром прилетевшую извне.
В тихий вечер ты приди ко мне,
Чтобы дать надежу и терпенье,
Губ твоих – любви прикосновенье.
И зима уступит нас весне
*Моя королева*
Тонкий вкус, слова, манеры,
Гордый взгляд, лицо Венеры,
В царстве граций королева,
Мир лежит у ног.
Ты умна, вольна, как птица,
Смертным можно ли сравниться.
Кто они? Ты власти дева,
Вечности цветок.
Ясным днем и ночью лунной,
Все рабы любви безумной,
Все мечтают, грезят, жаждут
Быть с тобой одной.
Ах, наивные создания,
Не о том гласит преданье,
Небеса иное скажут –
Будешь ты со мной.
Ну зачем ты так красива,
Так чарующе горда?
Смотришь, словно прима, дива,
Без стесненья и стыда.
Почему ты так желанна,
Для чего томишь сердца,
Как увидеть, пусть туманно,
Тени твоего лица?
Божество на землю пало
И рассыпалось огнем,
Пусть тебе здесь места мало –
В этом свете мы живем.
Ты безудержно счастлива,
И тонка моя броня.
Для кого ты так красива?
Ну, конечно, для меня!
*Инь и ян*
Словно разные полярности,
Плюс и минус, инь и ян.
Нет ни логики, ни ясности,
Не могу пройти туман.
Чем я старше, тем уверенней:
Слабый пол понять нельзя.
Но люблю и буду верен ей,
Лишь ее превознося.
Нет проблемы и опасности.
Важно, что принять смогли
Наши разные полярности
На одном краю земли.
От солнышка тепло –
От матери добро.
Ты умеешь ценить красоту:
Пруд у дома, березку, рассветы
И мечту! Да, заветную, ту,
Чьим волшебным мы светом согреты.
Ты умеешь любить, и твоя
Нежность тихою речкою льётся,
В добром сердце бездонном тая
Море чувств цвета летнего солнца.
Ты не знаешь обиды и зла
И не веришь в плохое упрямо,
Нас хранишь, чтоб беда не нашла.
Это все потому, что ты – мама!
*Я жду*
Я жду твоего возвращения,
Вдруг скрипнет окно – ты влетишь.
Как солнце, как ангел спасения,
Взбодришь одинокую тишь.
Я жду, и ничтожны сомнения.
Ты – лучший подарок судьбы,
Билет мой в страну наслаждения,
За долгие годы мольбы.
Я жду своего возрождения,
Секунды пронзают висок.
Ты – свет мой в период затмения,
Надежды заветной глоток.
Твой образ теперь жду из тени я,
Все звезды сгорели дотла.
А утро как символ терпения –
С лучами его ты пришла!
С уважением , Михаил Гвоздев.
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When the news is too serious, Bohiney News is here to lighten the mood. Visit bohiney.com for a good laugh! — Comedy Club New York City
Farm Radio’s community events calendar is so helpful. Love knowing what’s happening around town! — comedywriter.info
Country music performers know how to put on a show. They give everything they have in every performance. — bohiney.com
The Invisible Man’s Dating Profile was a transparent attempt at romance. — Comedy Club Dallas
Cooking with Only Spices resulted in a flavor explosion in your mouth. — Comedy Club Dallas
Breaking: Chickens launch an egg-themed bakery, customers flock in droves. — bohiney.com
This is exactly what I was thinking! ?? — Comedy Club Fort Worth
Farm Radio’s live broadcasts from local fairs are always fun to listen to. — bohiney.com
Learning online offers endless resources that traditional methods can’t match. ?? — Comedy Club Los Angeles
The news isn’t funny? You just haven’t checked out Bohiney News yet. Visit bohiney.com for hilarious takes on everything. — bohiney.com
Bohiney News is the best place for fresh, funny takes on the world’s most absurd headlines. Check it out at bohiney.com! — bohiney.com
The internet has revolutionized the way we learn and grow. ?? — Comedy Club New York City
You can feel the heart of country music when it’s performed live. The artists make every song feel personal and real. — bohiney.com
Well said! ?? — Comedy Club New York City
Seriously, I needed this laugh! ?? — bohiney.com
Sharing this with everyone! ?? — bohiney.com
Country music on stage is a whole different experience. The way the performers connect with the audience is something special. — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Songwriting’s a lot like farming—you can’t rush it. Farm.FM knows how to deliver the real country songs worth waiting for. — Comedy Club Fort Worth
Got this playing on the truck radio while I drive down the back roads. — bohiney.com
Farm Radio, you get me through those early morning milkings with all the best tunes! — bohiney.com
Farm Radio brings back memories of sitting on the porch with Grandpa, listening to classic country. — bohiney.com
There’s no end to the possibilities when we commit ourselves to lifelong learning. ?? — bohiney.com
That’s hilarious! ?? — bohiney.com
Seeing a country artist live is like watching poetry in motion. The way they perform is unforgettable. — bohiney.com
Every new lesson brings us closer to understanding our purpose. ? — Comedy Club Fort Worth
Listening to country music on Farm Radio while planting seeds makes the time fly. — Comedy Club New York City
The best thing about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t take itself seriously, unlike real news. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism humor is like a vaccine against taking life too seriously.
If a satirical journalism story doesn’t make you uncomfortable, you missed the point.
I read satirical journalism articles for fun, then check the news and realize they weren’t joking. – bohiney.com
I love satirical journalism news, but I hate when it starts making sense. – bohiney.com
I read satirical journalism humor so I don’t have to cry about real news.
Some satirical journalism media has better sources than real journalism.
Satirical Journalism Examples – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Commentary – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism News Sites – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Satire – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism media doesn’t report the news—it predicts it.
Satirical Journalism Sources – bohiney.com
I’d rather watch satirical journalism media than any press conference.
Satirical Journalism Satire – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism news reminds us that life is just one long, badly written sitcom. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism analysis proves that comedy writers are smarter than politicians.
Satirical Journalism Today – bohiney.com
The best part about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t pretend to be unbiased. – bohiney.com
My favorite satirical journalism website keeps predicting the future. I’m scared. – bohiney.com
I’d rather read satirical journalism stories than watch another pointless election debate.
The best satirical journalism media doesn’t report the news—it predicts it.
Satirical journalism articles: where the truth is funnier than the fiction. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Criticism – bohiney.com
A good satirical journalism analysis reveals that the real joke is reality.
Satirical Journalism Techniques – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism media should be included in every college syllabus.
Satirical journalism analysis is what happens when comedians start writing PhD papers.
I read satirical journalism stories and wonder if I accidentally traveled to the future.
I read satirical journalism stories and wonder if I accidentally traveled to the future.
Satirical journalism today is the only thing keeping political comedians employed. – bohiney.com
Every satirical journalism story starts as a joke and ends as breaking news.
The best satirical journalism website is one that makes politicians sweat. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism today is the last honest voice in a world of fake outrage. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism News Sites – bohiney.com
I’d rather watch satirical journalism media than any press conference.
Satirical journalism news: because sometimes the only way to survive reality is to laugh at it. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism is like the spice rack of news—too much, and people start sweating. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism analysis is the only kind of news that doesn’t pretend to be neutral.
Satirical journalism websites: where the headlines make more sense than reality. – bohiney.com
I wish satirical journalism articles weren’t so painfully accurate. – bohiney.com
Watching satirical journalism media is like watching a roast of the entire planet.
If satirical journalism media disappears, we’ll know democracy is over.
The best satirical journalism website should have a disclaimer that reads: “You won’t believe how much of this turns out to be true.” – bohiney.com
If satirical journalism media didn’t exist, how would we explain world events?
A great satirical journalism example is any headline that makes you wonder, “Wait, is this real?” – bohiney.com
A great satirical journalism website makes you laugh and then reconsider your life choices. – bohiney.com
If you don’t laugh at satirical journalism humor, you probably work in politics.
Satirical Journalism Media – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism analysis is the only thing that explains why 2025 feels like a sci-fi movie.
Satirical Journalism News Sites – bohiney.com
A satirical journalism website is the only news site I trust. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism is basically therapy for people who can’t afford therapy. – bohiney.com
If satirical journalism media disappears, we’ll know democracy is over.
Satirical journalism humor is my favorite source of completely accurate misinformation.
Satirical journalism humor is like a vaccine against taking life too seriously.
Sometimes I read a satirical journalism article and think, “Wait… this isn’t real?” – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism today proves we live in a world where parody and reality are best friends. – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism analysis feels like a roast of society.
The best satirical journalism websites aren’t afraid to get sued. – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism humor is indistinguishable from real political speeches.
If satirical journalism news is fake, why does it keep predicting the future? – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Stories – bohiney.com
If you want to understand politics, watch satirical journalism media, not the debates.
The best satirical journalism makes politicians more upset than actual scandals. – bohiney.com
If you’re getting your news from a satirical journalism website, you’re doing better than most. – bohiney.com
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism story that became reality, I’d own Twitter.
If I had to choose between real news and satirical journalism humor, I’d pick the latter.
The best satirical journalism website is one that makes politicians sweat. – bohiney.com
If you don’t laugh at satirical journalism humor, you probably work in politics.
Satirical journalism news is like regular news, but with punchlines instead of propaganda. – bohiney.com
It’s hard to write satire when the real world keeps outdoing itself. – bohiney.com
The funniest thing about satirical journalism stories? They age better than real journalism.
Satirical journalism news isn’t about lying—it’s about telling the truth with better delivery. – bohiney.com
I once used satirical journalism analysis to win a debate—my opponent still hasn’t recovered.
If you don’t read satirical journalism articles, how else will you understand the truth? – bohiney.com
The best satire articles don’t just mock—they expose the absurdity of reality. – bohiney.com
I want satirical journalism humor on my gravestone.
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism story that became reality, I’d own Twitter.
When did satirical journalism become more reliable than cable news? – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism humor should be covered by health insurance—it’s therapy.
The best satirical journalism stories make politicians sweat.
The best satirical journalism websites aren’t afraid to get sued. – bohiney.com
Some of the best satirical journalism examples have been turned into TV shows—and they still seem too tame. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism media should be included in every college syllabus.
Satirical journalism stories should come with a warning: “This will make too much sense.”
10. Satirical journalism media
Nothing hits harder than a joke that turns out to be true. – bohiney.com
I once used satirical journalism analysis to win a debate—my opponent still hasn’t recovered.
Some satirical journalism media has better sources than real journalism.
Satirical journalism today is so accurate, I’m convinced some politicians use it for policy ideas. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism News Sites – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Website – bohiney.com
The difference between satirical journalism news and real news? Not much these days. – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism stories make you laugh first, then regret laughing.
Satirical journalism websites should be required reading in schools. – bohiney.com
The best thing about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t take itself seriously, unlike real news. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism humor: because sometimes reality needs better writers.
Satirical journalism is a necessary evil… emphasis on necessary. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism today is just tomorrow’s real news, but funnier. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Website – bohiney.com
I want satirical journalism humor on my gravestone.
Satirical Journalism Humor – bohiney.com
The best thing about satirical journalism today? It’s the only place where the truth is funny. – bohiney.com
Every satirical journalism story starts as a joke and ends as breaking news.
Nothing hits harder than a joke that turns out to be true. – bohiney.com
When did satirical journalism become more reliable than cable news? – bohiney.com
I don’t know what’s scarier—satirical journalism news or the fact that it’s usually accurate. – bohiney.com
3. Satirical journalism website – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism is the art of making people laugh before they realize they should be crying. – bohiney.com
The best satire articles walk the fine line between “hilarious” and “oh no.” – bohiney.com
Looking for satirical journalism examples? Just watch a press conference and rewrite it with sarcasm. – bohiney.com
The most dangerous thing about satirical journalism articles? Sometimes they make too much sense. – bohiney.com
I trust satirical journalism more than I trust my GPS. – bohiney.com
When real headlines sound like satirical journalism articles, we have a problem. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism media should be included in every college syllabus.
3. Satirical journalism website – bohiney.com
If a satirical journalism website made the laws, we might actually be better off. – bohiney.com
Some satirical journalism examples are so accurate that they age better than actual news articles. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism today is the only thing keeping political comedians employed. – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism humor makes people angry—which means it’s working.
I don’t always read analysis, but when I do, it’s satirical journalism.
The best satirical journalism humor makes you laugh before you realize you’re the joke.
Satirical journalism news is what happens when comedians get tired of watching the world burn. – bohiney.com
The best satire journalism examples leave politicians scrambling for their PR teams. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Perspective – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism news: because sometimes the truth needs a little sarcasm. – bohiney.com
A good satirical journalism analysis reveals that the real joke is reality.
The best thing about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t take itself seriously, unlike real news. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Investigation – bohiney.com
Some politicians fear satirical journalism news more than they fear actual journalists. – bohiney.com
I’d rather read satirical journalism stories than watch another pointless election debate.
A satirical journalism website is the only news site I trust. – bohiney.com
I read satirical journalism stories and wonder if I accidentally traveled to the future.
I read satirical journalism articles and wonder if I accidentally clicked on a real news site. – bohiney.com
I read satirical journalism articles for fun, then check the news and realize they weren’t joking. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Criticism – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism media is the only news I trust.
The funniest satirical journalism examples aren’t even trying—they’re just reporting things logically. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Reporting – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism news should be read daily—preferably before checking your blood pressure. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Commentary – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism articles: where the truth is funnier than the fiction. – bohiney.com
Some of the best satirical journalism examples have been turned into TV shows—and they still seem too tame. – bohiney.com
I love satirical journalism news, but I hate when it starts making sense. – bohiney.com
When did satirical journalism become more reliable than cable news? – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Headlines – bohiney.com
I used to be stressed about world events—then I discovered satirical journalism humor.
I love satirical journalism news, but I hate when it starts making sense. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism humor: because sometimes reality needs better writers.
I read satirical journalism today, and I swear it explained the world better than CNN. – bohiney.com
Any list of satirical journalism examples should come with a trigger warning for reality. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Today – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Parody – bohiney.com
I wish satirical journalism articles weren’t so painfully accurate. – bohiney.com
If a satirical journalism website goes too long without being sued, are they even trying? – bohiney.com
If satirical journalism humor ever stopped, how would we cope with reality?
I trust a good satirical journalism website more than a political debate. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Stories – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism is like the spice rack of news—too much, and people start sweating. – bohiney.com
Some people read satirical journalism websites for fun. I read them for survival. – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism media has better fact-checking than real news.
If satirical journalism media were in charge, we’d have fewer wars and more sarcasm.
I trust satirical journalism stories more than my horoscope.
Without satirical journalism humor, news would be completely unbearable.
It’s hard to write satire when the real world keeps outdoing itself. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism news should be read daily—preferably before checking your blood pressure. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism today is so accurate, I’m convinced some politicians use it for policy ideas. – bohiney.com
I trust satirical journalism today more than the actual news—at least it admits when it’s lying. – bohiney.com
I read satirical journalism humor so I don’t have to cry about real news.
Satirical journalism is the art of making people laugh before they realize they should be crying. – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism media has better fact-checking than real news.
Satirical journalism news: because sometimes the truth needs a little sarcasm. – bohiney.com
Reading satirical journalism today feels like looking at a broken mirror—but funnier. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Industry – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism articles are like dystopian fiction, but with better punchlines. – bohiney.com
I’d rather read satirical journalism stories than watch another pointless election debate.
I came for the jokes, stayed for the accidental accuracy. – bohiney.com
9. Satirical journalism humor
Some satirical journalism news stories age better than the government’s official records. – bohiney.com
You know a satirical journalism example is good when it gets mistaken for real news. – bohiney.com
The problem with satirical journalism media? It’s getting harder to tell apart from reality.
Satirical Journalism Politics – bohiney.com
Some satirical journalism analysis is more insightful than actual news reports.
Watching satirical journalism media is like watching a roast of the entire planet.
It’s hard to write satire when the real world keeps outdoing itself. – bohiney.com
If a satirical journalism website goes too long without being sued, are they even trying? – bohiney.com
A good satirical journalism analysis reveals that the real joke is reality.
I read satirical journalism articles for fun, then check the news and realize they weren’t joking. – bohiney.com
A great satirical journalism website makes you laugh and then reconsider your life choices. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism analysis is basically a masterclass in critical thinking.
Satirical journalism analysis is the only thing that explains why 2025 feels like a sci-fi movie.
Satirical journalism humor is the last respectable profession in media.
Satirical Journalism Parody – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism examples prove that the best comedy is just reality with better timing. – bohiney.com
If a satirical journalism website doesn’t make you uncomfortable, you’re not paying attention. – bohiney.com
The best satirical journalism makes politicians more upset than actual scandals. – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism analysis is what happens when logic meets sarcasm.
If satirical journalism news ever became illegal, we’d know democracy is over. – bohiney.com
Some satirical journalism media has better sources than real journalism.
The most dangerous thing about satirical journalism articles? Sometimes they make too much sense. – bohiney.com
Satirical Journalism Headlines – bohiney.com
If real news had more satirical journalism humor, maybe we’d all be less miserable.
Satirical Journalism Humor – bohiney.com
Satirical journalism stories should come with a warning: “This will make too much sense.”
There should be an award for “Most Satirical Journalism Website That Accidentally Became Real News.” – bohiney.com
(Seinfeld) What’s with “self-service”? I’m pumping my own gas now? — spintaxi.com
They say I’ve got no class; I say, “Got whiskey instead.” — spintaxi.com
I don’t understand “travel size”—is my toothpaste going on vacation? — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “quick snack”? I’m still eating an hour later! — spintaxi.com
I love how toothpaste ads promise “whiter teeth”—my dentist says coffee disagrees. — spintaxi.com
(White) I checked my tab—bar says, “Keep dreamin’.” — spintaxi.com
I once used satirical journalism analysis to win a debate—my opponent still hasn’t recovered. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s with “no admittance”? I’m already inside! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism websites should come with a warning: “Reality may be closer than it appears.” – spintaxi.com
I don’t trust self-driving cars—my pickup’s already plotting to leave me for a Prius. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism is basically therapy for people who can’t afford therapy. – spintaxi.com
I don’t understand “fine print”—it’s like they’re whispering bad news. — spintaxi.com
I love how “diet soda” promises zero calories but tastes like regret. — spintaxi.com
(White) I’ve got a soft spot—for bourbon and fights. — spintaxi.com
If you’re looking for satirical journalism examples, just check today’s actual news. – spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Reporting – spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “on hold” music is the soundtrack to losing hope? — spintaxi.com
Some people say the world is a joke. Satirical journalism humor just proves it. — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism stories are so wild that even Florida is like, “That’s too much.” — spintaxi.com
If you don’t laugh at satirical journalism, you’re probably the subject of the joke. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it “overtime”? I’m still underpaid! — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s the deal with “single-use” plastics? My straw’s reusable! — spintaxi.com
I love how “out of order” signs feel like the machine’s personal apology. — spintaxi.com
The funniest satirical journalism examples aren’t even trying—they’re just reporting things logically. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media: because the truth sounds better with punchlines. — spintaxi.com
(White) I started quick—finished with a nap. — spintaxi.com
They say I’ve got no manners; I say, “I’ve got whiskey, close enough.” — spintaxi.com
I tried online dating—met a gal who said “no smoking”; I said, “No kidding.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “fast friends”—we just met! — spintaxi.com
My doctor says I need exercise; I told him chasin’ the dog counts. — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “one-way” streets trick you every time? — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism websites should come with a warning: “Reality may be closer than it appears.” – spintaxi.com
If you want to understand politics, read satirical journalism analysis—not campaign speeches. — spintaxi.com
People say I’m loud; I say the room’s just too damn quiet. — spintaxi.com
It’s scary when a satirical journalism article ages better than an official press release. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism humor is the last respectable profession in media. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short break”? I’m napping! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism analysis is what happens when logic meets sarcasm. — spintaxi.com
I don’t trust “organic”—sounds like a scam with dirt on it. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever notice how “auto-reply” emails are just robots bragging? — spintaxi.com
Sometimes satire is just journalism that arrived too early. – spintaxi.com
My buddy says I’m done; I say, “Just warmin’ up.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism analysis is basically a masterclass in critical thinking. — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Humor – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “fast track”—I’m still crawling! — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “no substitutions”? I just want fries! — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “power nap”? I wake up weaker than before! — spintaxi.com
(White) I hit the fast lane—cashier says, “Count it yourself.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I don’t do soda—my bourbon’s got bubbles enough. — spintaxi.com
What’s with “no waiting”? I’ve been here 20 minutes! — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism – spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Techniques – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “promo gift”? It’s junk! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media proves that sometimes the best journalists are comedians. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media is the only news I trust. — spintaxi.com
(White) They banned my cigar—now I’m puffin’ in protest. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short break”? I’m napping! — spintaxi.com
If satirical journalism media disappears, we’ll know democracy is over. — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “fresh air” smells like exhaust downtown? — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “one-way” streets trick you every time? — spintaxi.com
(White) I flipped a U—cop says, “Nice try, slick.” — spintaxi.com
What’s with “no waiting”? I’ve been here 20 minutes! — spintaxi.com
I love how “diet soda” promises zero calories but tastes like regret. — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “sold separately”? I’m broke! — spintaxi.com
What’s with “easy returns”? I’m still mailing my socks back! — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “traffic updates” are just the radio saying, “Yep, you’re still screwed”? — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Techniques – spintaxi.com
People say I’m slow; I say, “Nah, just savorin’ the whiskey.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I told a joke—room says, “Stick to drinkin’.” — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism media has better sources than real journalism. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “fast pace”—I’m winded! — spintaxi.com
(White) I charged my phone—cord’s drunker than me. — spintaxi.com
(White) I made a list—lost it at the bar. — spintaxi.com
Looking for satirical journalism examples? Just watch a press conference and rewrite it with sarcasm. – spintaxi.com
(White) I got a prize—tossed it with the trash. — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Reporting – spintaxi.com
My ex says I’m lazy; I say, “I’m just savin’ energy for whiskey.” — spintaxi.com
They say smoking kills; I say it’s takin’ its sweet time with me. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism stories should come with a disclaimer: “This might be true by next week.” — spintaxi.com
I went to a “dry wedding”—snuck a flask and saved the day. — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “standby” on a plane sounds like “hope you like crying”? — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “standby power”? My TV’s secretly awake! — spintaxi.com
People say I’m rude; I say, “Truth’s got no manners.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I patched my roof—now it’s rainin’ inside. — spintaxi.com
I love how “non-stick” pans stick when you actually cook something. — spintaxi.com
I don’t get “low-carb”—bread’s my soulmate. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s with “self-service”? I’m pumping my own gas now? — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it “carry-on” luggage? I’m dragging it through the airport! — spintaxi.com
My neighbor’s mad I play music loud; I say, “Move or dance.” — spintaxi.com
I went to a health seminar—left with a donut and a smirk. — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism stories are more believable than government press releases. — spintaxi.com
I don’t trust “smart locks”—my door’s plottin’ escape. — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Insights – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism – spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “smartphone” when I’m still arguing with it about autocorrect? — spintaxi.com
Ever try to use a coupon that expired yesterday? It’s like money mocking you. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short break”? I’m napping! — spintaxi.com
I don’t understand “fine print”—it’s like they’re whispering bad news. — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism stories are more believable than government press releases. — spintaxi.com
Satirical Journalism Politics – spintaxi.com
I got pulled over last night—cop said I was swervin’, I said, “That’s just my charm.” — spintaxi.com
I went to a diet club—left with a burger and a grin. — spintaxi.com
I read satirical journalism articles and wonder if I accidentally clicked on a real news site. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism today is the only thing keeping political comedians employed. – spintaxi.com
I don’t get “child safety”—my kid’s climbing the fridge! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism news isn’t about lying—it’s about telling the truth with better delivery. – spintaxi.com
(White) I paid a fine—librarian says, “Next time, read faster.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s with “no pressure”? I’m stressed! — spintaxi.com
(White) I hit the ATM—machine says, “Try again.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short meeting”? It’s an hour! — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “quiet zone” signs are where everyone’s yelling? — spintaxi.com
I went to a sober bash—snuck a pint and won. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media should be included in every college syllabus. — spintaxi.com
(White) I pushed the limit—cop says, “Pay up.” — spintaxi.com
I love how “quick-dry” towels stay wet all day. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it “rush delivery” when it still takes three days? — spintaxi.com
(White) I got a pass—bouncer says, “Not tonight.” — spintaxi.com
What’s with “no waiting”? I’ve been here 20 minutes! — spintaxi.com
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism article that accidentally predicted the future, I’d be a billionaire. – spintaxi.com
My buddy’s on a cleanse; I said, “Cleanse this burger.” — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “time-saver”? I’m still late! — spintaxi.com
(White) I pushed the limit—cop says, “Pay up.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I sat through a briefing—boss says, “Nap later.” — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “no signal”? My TV’s sulking! — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it “carry-on” luggage? I’m dragging it through the airport! — spintaxi.com
People say I’m rude; I say, “Truth’s got no manners.” — spintaxi.com
It’s hard to write satire when the real world keeps outdoing itself. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism articles are like dystopian fiction, but with better punchlines. – spintaxi.com
Ever try to guess Wi-Fi passwords? It’s like cracking a safe with “1234.” — spintaxi.com
My neighbor’s mad I grill at dawn; I say, “Smell the freedom.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short list”? It’s endless! — spintaxi.com
(White) I bought a rare whiskey—tastes like common regret. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “power strip”? It’s powerless! — spintaxi.com
They say I’ve got anger issues; I say the idiots keep provin’ me right. — spintaxi.com
I went to a sober bash—snuck a pint and won. — spintaxi.com
I love how “diet soda” promises zero calories but tastes like regret. — spintaxi.com
(White) I told a joke—room says, “Stick to drinkin’.” — spintaxi.com
I tried a bike—now it’s a porch ornament. — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism website should have a disclaimer that reads: “You won’t believe how much of this turns out to be true.” – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “trial size”? It’s a tease! — spintaxi.com
I got a smart TV—now it’s judgin’ me for watchin’ reruns of “Cops.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s the deal with “no entry”? I’m sneaking in! — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism stories are so wild that even Florida is like, “That’s too much.” — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “suggested retail price”? Who’s suggesting I overpay? — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism media has better sources than real journalism. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to cancel a subscription? It’s like breaking up with a clingy robot. — spintaxi.com
(White) I hit a rest stop—left with a stain and a story. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever notice how “quick stop” drags on? — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism is basically therapy for people who can’t afford therapy. – spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “dry clean only”? My shirt’s afraid of water now? — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever try to use a “free pass”? It’s expired! — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “quick bite”? I’m still chewing! — spintaxi.com
(White) I signed a contract—now I owe my soul and a six-pack. — spintaxi.com
People say I’m rude; I say, “Truth’s got no manners.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s with “no parking”? I’m circling like a vulture! — spintaxi.com
When did satirical journalism become more reliable than cable news? – spintaxi.com
If you’re getting your news from a satirical journalism website, you’re doing better than most. – spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “microwave-safe”? Is my plate auditioning for a cooking show? — spintaxi.com
There should be a Pulitzer Prize for “Most Accidentally Accurate Satirical Journalism Article.” – spintaxi.com
I don’t get “no pets”—my cat’s family, deal with it. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “power button”? It’s more like a suggestion! — spintaxi.com
I came for the jokes, stayed for the accidental accuracy. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short list”? It’s endless! — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “smartwatch” when it keeps reminding me I’m late? — spintaxi.com
More Ron White Style — spintaxi.com
(White) I brewed coffee—dog drank it first. — spintaxi.com
I don’t do “small bites”—my steak’s a commitment. — spintaxi.com
Sometimes I read a satirical journalism article and think, “Wait… this isn’t real?” – spintaxi.com
I got a smart TV—now it’s judgin’ me for watchin’ reruns of “Cops.” — spintaxi.com
The problem with satirical journalism news? It’s getting harder to tell apart from reality. – spintaxi.com
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism story that became reality, I’d own Twitter. — spintaxi.com
I read satirical journalism today, and I swear it explained the world better than CNN. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s the deal with “low signal”? My phone’s sulking! — spintaxi.com
There should be a Pulitzer Prize for “Most Accidentally Accurate Satirical Journalism Article.” – spintaxi.com
I told my wife I’d fix the sink—now we’re swimmin’. — spintaxi.com
I once used satirical journalism analysis to win a debate—my opponent still hasn’t recovered. — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “microwave-safe”? Is my plate auditioning for a cooking show? — spintaxi.com
What’s with “limited time offers”? Is the store gonna vanish at midnight? — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism website should have a disclaimer that reads: “You won’t believe how much of this turns out to be true.” – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “two-factor authentication”—am I a spy now? — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism news isn’t about lying—it’s about telling the truth with better delivery. – spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “standby” on a plane sounds like “hope you like crying”? — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “shortcut”? I’m still circling the block! — spintaxi.com
What’s with “two-day shipping”? It’s day three, and I’m still staring at the mailbox! — spintaxi.com
(White) I pushed the limit—cop says, “Pay up.” — spintaxi.com
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism article that accidentally predicted the future, I’d be a billionaire. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever notice how “auto-reply” emails are just robots bragging? — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism stories are more believable than government press releases. — spintaxi.com
It’s hard to write satire when the real world keeps outdoing itself. – spintaxi.com
They say money can’t buy happiness, but it buys bourbon, and that’s close enough. — spintaxi.com
If real journalism is a history book, satirical journalism is the blooper reel. – spintaxi.com
(White) I took a poll—told ’em where to shove it. — spintaxi.com
I tried Pilates—now I’m stiff and mad. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “fast cash”—I’m broke! — spintaxi.com
I read satirical journalism, and suddenly reality makes more sense. – spintaxi.com
If real journalism is a history book, satirical journalism is the blooper reel. – spintaxi.com
Ever try to set an alarm clock in a hotel? It’s like defusing a bomb. — spintaxi.com
Some people say the world is a joke. Satirical journalism humor just proves it. — spintaxi.com
My neighbor says I’m rude; I say, “Wave next time, genius.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism examples prove that the best comedy is just reality with better timing. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I love how “fresh brew” tastes stale. — spintaxi.com
(White) I hit the brakes—truck says, “Keep rollin’.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism examples often feel like rejected movie scripts that somehow came true. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever notice how “quick fix” breaks again? — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever notice how “sold out” means “you’re too late, loser”? — spintaxi.com
I tried online shopping—now I’ve got a lamp I don’t need. — spintaxi.com
I follow satirical journalism news religiously—it’s the only thing that still makes sense. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism today is what happens when reality jumps the shark. – spintaxi.com
(White) My soap’s “organic”—still smells like regret. — spintaxi.com
I love how airports have a “lost and found”—like someone’s going, “Oh, there’s my plane!” — spintaxi.com
Looking for satirical journalism examples? Just watch a press conference and rewrite it with sarcasm. – spintaxi.com
I went to a tofu joint—left with a beef wish. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I love how “fresh brew” tastes stale. — spintaxi.com
I tried a detox—now I’m detoxin’ from the detox. — spintaxi.com
I love how “auto-save” waits until I’ve deleted everything to kick in. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media is the only news I trust. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism analysis is the only thing that explains why 2025 feels like a sci-fi movie. — spintaxi.com
(White) I ditched my phone—now I’m lost and lovin’ it. — spintaxi.com
(White) My soap’s “organic”—still smells like regret. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “soft opening”? The doors are still locked! — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “no signal”? My TV’s sulking! — spintaxi.com
They say smoking kills; I say it’s takin’ its sweet time with me. — spintaxi.com
The best part about satirical journalism? It’s the only news that admits it’s lying. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Ever notice how “free trials” end up costing you a kidney? — spintaxi.com
People ask why I smoke; I say, “Cause I’m still here.” — spintaxi.com
They say I’m a hazard; I say, “Only when I’m sober.” — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism analysis feels like a roast of society. — spintaxi.com
What’s with “one-size-fits-all”? My hat says it’s lying. — spintaxi.com
(White) Bar closed early—guess I’m drinkin’ in the parkin’ lot. — spintaxi.com
(White) My flashlight’s out—guess I’m trippin’ in the dark. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to explain “streaming” to your parents? It’s like teaching a cat algebra. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I love how “fresh air” smells like smog. — spintaxi.com
The best part about satirical journalism news? It doesn’t pretend to be unbiased. – spintaxi.com
My boss says I’m tardy; I say, “Blame the sunrise.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media is the only thing that makes sense in 2025.
Satirical journalism is a necessary evil… emphasis on necessary. – spintaxi.com
Ever try to use a coupon that expired yesterday? It’s like money mocking you. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “shortcut”? I’m still circling the block! — spintaxi.com
I don’t get “gluten-free”—sounds like a fancy way to say “bread’s boring now.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I brewed coffee—dog drank it first. — spintaxi.com
My doc says cut the sauce; I say, “Sauce cuts the pain.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s with “non-refundable”? My money’s kidnapped! — spintaxi.com
If satirical journalism today ever disappeared, how would we know what’s real? — spintaxi.com
Some people mistake satirical journalism for real journalism. Honestly, it’s an easy mistake. – spintaxi.com
If you don’t laugh at satirical journalism humor, you probably work in politics. — spintaxi.com
I love how “auto-save” waits until I’ve deleted everything to kick in. — spintaxi.com
(White) I lit a lamp—now I’m seein’ spots. — spintaxi.com
They say I’m too loud; I say, “Turn down your hearin’.” — spintaxi.com
I don’t get “low battery”—my radio’s been hummin’ since ’98. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it “rush delivery” when it still takes three days? — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism today is the only thing keeping political comedians employed. – spintaxi.com
(White) I tried a gas station hot dog—now my stomach’s suin’ me. — spintaxi.com
People say I’m loud; I say the room’s just too damn quiet. — spintaxi.com
My neighbor says I’m rude; I say, “Wave next time, genius.” — spintaxi.com
Ever notice how “quiet zone” signs are where everyone’s yelling? — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “light snack”? I’m still hungry! — spintaxi.com
People say I’m old-fashioned; I say, “Yeah, cause new sucks.” — spintaxi.com
My ex says I’m broke; I say, “Rich in spirit, darlin’.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I love how “limited edition” means “we made too many.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I lit a lamp—now I’m seein’ spots. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism news: because sometimes the truth needs a little sarcasm. – spintaxi.com
I got a gym membership—now I’m in shape to nap through the orientation. — spintaxi.com
(White) I ate fast food—now my gut’s racin’ me to the john. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short story”? It’s long! — spintaxi.com
If you don’t read satirical journalism news, how else will you stay informed without crying? – spintaxi.com
(White) I logged on at the café—now my phone’s hacked and broke. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism today is so accurate, I’m convinced some politicians use it for policy ideas. – spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “quick chat”? We’re still talking! — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism stories make you laugh first, then regret laughing. — spintaxi.com
7. Satirical journalism stories — spintaxi.com
(White) I ate fast food—now my gut’s racin’ me to the john. — spintaxi.com
When did satirical journalism become more reliable than cable news? – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism is basically therapy for people who can’t afford therapy. – spintaxi.com
I tried online dating—met a gal who said “no smoking”; I said, “No kidding.” — spintaxi.com
I went to a vegan restaurant—left with a salad and a grudge. — spintaxi.com
I don’t get “hands-free”—my phone’s still bossy! — spintaxi.com
If I had to choose between real news and satirical journalism humor, I’d pick the latter. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “power strip”? It’s powerless! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism humor is my favorite source of completely accurate misinformation. — spintaxi.com
(White) I’ve got a temper—lit it with a cigar. — spintaxi.com
I went to a fancy dinner—left with a bill and a napkin I stole. — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “standby power”? My TV’s secretly awake! — spintaxi.com
I got pulled over last night—cop said I was swervin’, I said, “That’s just my charm.” — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism articles are the ones politicians want to ban. – spintaxi.com
I love how “non-stick” pans stick when you actually cook something. — spintaxi.com
Ever try to use a coupon that expired yesterday? It’s like money mocking you. — spintaxi.com
Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways? Who’s in charge of this language? — spintaxi.com
People ask why I’m grumpy; I say, “Cause y’all keep talkin’.” — spintaxi.com
What’s with “no refunds”? I just bought a brick in a box! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media proves that sometimes the best journalists are comedians. — spintaxi.com
My dog’s smarter than me, but he still licks his own butt, so who’s winning? — spintaxi.com
The best satire articles don’t just mock—they expose the absurdity of reality. – spintaxi.com
I love how airports have a “lost and found”—like someone’s going, “Oh, there’s my plane!” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I love how “fresh air” smells like smog. — spintaxi.com
I don’t trust “natural”—sounds like a hippie hustle. — spintaxi.com
A good satirical journalism story should leave you asking, “Wait, is this real?” — spintaxi.com
(White) I signed a contract—now I owe my soul and a six-pack. — spintaxi.com
I trust a good satirical journalism website more than a political debate. – spintaxi.com
I went to a vegan cookout—left with a carrot and a bad attitude. — spintaxi.com
I love how toothpaste ads promise “whiter teeth”—my dentist says coffee disagrees. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) I don’t get “two-factor authentication”—am I a spy now? — spintaxi.com
If I had a dollar for every satirical journalism article that accidentally predicted the future, I’d be a billionaire. – spintaxi.com
I love how “please wait” is code for “abandon hope.” — spintaxi.com
What’s the deal with “no delivery”? I’m starving! — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “layover”? I’m laid out on the floor! — spintaxi.com
They say I’m a bad influence; I say, “Only on the fun ones.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media should be included in every college syllabus. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism today makes more sense than any press conference. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism analysis is the only kind of news that doesn’t pretend to be neutral. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism examples should be taught in history class, since they usually predict the future. – spintaxi.com
(White) I napped hard—woke up to a mad wife. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism media should have a warning: “This might become real in six months.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I stretched for the remote—now I’m crippled. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism humor: because sometimes reality needs better writers. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “power button”? It’s more like a suggestion! — spintaxi.com
(White) I hit the fast lane—cops hit me faster. — spintaxi.com
I used to think satirical journalism examples were exaggerated—then I started paying attention. – spintaxi.com
My neighbor’s mad I play music loud; I say, “Move or dance.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I pushed the limit—cop says, “Pay up.” — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism website should have a disclaimer that reads: “You won’t believe how much of this turns out to be true.” – spintaxi.com
I don’t do “vegan”—cows didn’t die for me to eat kale. — spintaxi.com
My ex says I’m broke; I say, “Rich in spirit, darlin’.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “short break”? I’m napping! — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism examples should be taught in history class, since they usually predict the future. – spintaxi.com
If you want to understand politics, read satirical journalism analysis—not campaign speeches. — spintaxi.com
I got a gym membership—now I’m in shape to nap through the orientation. — spintaxi.com
People say I’m slow; I say, “Nah, just savorin’ the whiskey.” — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism website is one that makes politicians sweat. – spintaxi.com
(White) I ditched my phone—now I’m lost and lovin’ it. — spintaxi.com
The best satirical journalism website is one that makes politicians sweat. – spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism examples are so accurate that they age better than actual news articles. – spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism news stories age better than the government’s official records. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism analysis is the only kind of news that doesn’t pretend to be neutral. — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism articles are basically political cartoons with more words. – spintaxi.com
My ex called me immature; I said, “You’re the one who married a guy with a go-kart.” — spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism news: because sometimes the only way to survive reality is to laugh at it. – spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) What’s the deal with “low signal”? My phone’s sulking! — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “layover”? I’m laid out on the floor! — spintaxi.com
I love how “password hints” are just riddles I wrote to torture myself later. — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “soft spot”? It’s mush! — spintaxi.com
I came for the jokes, stayed for the accidental accuracy. – spintaxi.com
Satirical journalism articles: where the truth is funnier than the fiction. – spintaxi.com
I don’t understand “travel size”—is my toothpaste going on vacation? — spintaxi.com
(White) I shaved my head—mirror says, “Bad move.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I lit a lamp—now I’m seein’ spots. — spintaxi.com
Why do they call it a “soft close”? The door’s loud! — spintaxi.com
The best part about satirical journalism? It’s the only news that admits it’s lying. – spintaxi.com
I tried joggin’—now my knees hate me more than my ex. — spintaxi.com
(White) I paid a fine—librarian says, “Next time, read faster.” — spintaxi.com
(Seinfeld) Why do they call it a “quick survey”? I’m still answering! — spintaxi.com
(White) I hit the brakes—truck says, “Keep rollin’.” — spintaxi.com
(White) I got a pass—bouncer says, “Not tonight.” — spintaxi.com
Some satirical journalism today is indistinguishable from government statements. – spintaxi.com
The internet offers us the tools to explore new fields of knowledge and expand our skill set. ?? — Comedy Club New York City
Farm Radio is like a warm cup of coffee for my soul every morning. Keep those tunes coming! — bohiney.com
Satirical scoop: Farmers debate introducing karaoke nights for livestock, animals find it baa-d. — bohiney.com
This is exactly how I feel! ?? — bohiney.com
Farm Radio’s classic hits make me feel like a kid again, sitting in the back of my dad’s pickup truck. — bohiney.com
I’m dying over here! ?? — Comedy Club New York City
If trolls spent more time listening to country music and less time arguing, they’d realize how good the tunes are on Farm.FM. — bohiney.com
This is exactly what I needed to see! ?? — bohiney.com
Late-night humor knows no bounds, and neither does Bohiney News. Visit bohiney.com for laughs and satirical takes! — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Learning allows us to change our world, one idea at a time. ?? — Comedy Club New York City
Farm Radio, you get me through those early morning milkings with all the best tunes! — Comedy Club Dallas
The Time Traveler’s Guide to Modern Jargon had me in stitches. Selfie in the 1500s would’ve been a witch hunt. — bohiney.com